What Do I Need to Prove to Win a Slip-and-Fall Injury Claim?
You shouldn’t have to worry about getting hurt when out in public because the business that you visit is unsafe. Any space open to the public, whether it is an apartment building or a hair salon, should have facilities that meet the building code. Frequent cleaning and facility maintenance is also crucial to keep the space safe for visitors and employees.
Kentucky Wrongful Death
The death of a loved one due to someone else’s negligence can be one of the most excruciating moments in a family’s life, and no amount of money can make up for that loss. However, Kentucky allows for financial compensation to help provide for the future of the family of the decedent.
What Constitutes Wrongful Termination Under Kentucky Law?
People lose their jobs every day, and most of the time terminations are legal and justifiable. Kentucky is actually an at-will state for employment law purposes. Either an employer or a worker can terminate a work Arrangement at any time for almost any reason.
What if I suspect my loved one in a nursing home is being abused?
When people think of nursing home neglect, they often think of understaffing, falls and bedsores. However, neglect can also look like the majority of the workers at a facility turning a blind eye when someone there abuses residents. Those in memory care centers, nursing homes and other long-term care facilities that provide support for aging and vulnerable older adults are often completely dependent on the people who provide them with care and are at risk of numerous types of abuse, as well as neglect and a failure to meet their basic needs.
Will I Qualify for Workers’ Compensation Benefits?
The doubts surfaced after you sustained an injury from a workplace accident. As a result, You will be out of work for some time. Will you be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits? Such doubts surfaced due to hearsay from a coworker as well as information provided by a not-so-well-informed supervisor. In your case, as a full-time employee hurt while performing job-related duties, you should be eligible for these much-needed benefits.
Can You Lose Your Job for Seeking Workers’ Compensation Benefits in Kentucky?
Kentucky law requires most employers to secure workers’ compensation benefits for its employees. Whether someone drops a heavy tool on your foot and breaks several toes, or you suffer a brain injury because of a slip-and-fall, you have the ability to file for and obtain workers’ compensation benefits.
What Rights Do Pedestrians Have in Kentucky?
You might think that you can’t get into that much trouble just going for a walk – but it happens all the time. Pedestrians are actually in unique danger from distracted or neglectful drivers whenever they’re forced to walk on the road, even at crosswalks. If national trends hold true, hundreds of pedestrians in this state will end up injured in collisions with motor vehicles and some will be killed. That makes it particularly important to understand both your level of risk and your rights.
Product Liability: What is it, and What are the Three Types?
Product liability refers to the responsibility of a product manufacturer to protect consumers. There are three major types of product liability: (1) manufacturing defects, (2) design defects, and (3) failure to warn.
Two Common Forms of Medical Malpractice at Physicians’ Offices
The term medical malpractice often makes people think of fast-paced environments, like emergency rooms, where errors could happen in a matter of seconds. Certainly, emergency rooms and urgent care facilities see their fair share of medical mistakes.
Why Are Large Trucks So Dangerous?
Large trucks, including semi-trucks, are much more dangerous than smaller vehicles. They are responsible for a significant number of accidents each year, which are usually fatal – especially for passengers in smaller vehicles.
Who Can File a Wrongful Death Lawsuit in Kentucky?
When someone dies unexpectedly in Kentucky, their sudden passing will negatively impact the people closest to them. Their immediate family members and the people who they had the closest interpersonal relationships with will likely struggle to adjust to life after their death. Many will experience not just emotional consequences but also financial consequences when someone in their family dies. Kentucky state law does protect people against such losses by codifying their right to pursue a wrongful death claim in civil court under certain circumstances.
Businesses are Generally Liable When Their Products Fail
The Latin saying caveat emptor has long served as a warning for consumers. The phrase means “let the buyer beware,” and it serves as a warning that those selling products are often unscrupulous and dishonest with others. Consumers often take for granted that the goods for sale are safe. One of the many ways in which businesses can potentially harm customers is through the distribution of dangerous and defective products. Defective products put consumers at risk and may lead to both recalls of the dangerous products and injuries to those who purchase those items prior to a recall.
Is Your Doctor Telling the Truth?
Doctors are respected professionals in society, and most people look up to them and trust them without thinking twice. People assume doctors are always honest, trustworthy and reliable. Physicians owe a duty to their patients to respect their rights, uphold standards of professionalism and conduct themselves lawfully. The first national code of medical ethics was created to set ethical standards for doctors, which include doing the right thing, admitting mistakes and protecting the rights of injured people.
Can Hurt Workers Choose to Sue Employers Instead of Using Workers’ Comp?
Workers in any industry could end up hurt on the job. Someone working as a cook in a fast food restaurant could get burned or cut, and a cashier could end up injured in a robbery or develop a repetitive stress disorder. Most injured workers will be in a position to file a relatively straightforward claim for workers’ compensation benefits if they develop a significant health issue that directly relates to their employment. However, some workers feel very strongly that their employer is to blame for their injury and should therefore compensate them directly. These workers may hope to pursue a personal injury lawsuit against a business instead of a workers’ compensation claim, which is subject to several limitations under Kentucky law.
Do recalls affect the rights of those hurt by defective products?
Consumers usually expect that products work the way that manufacturers claim they do and that they are reasonably safe to use. This assumption is often especially strong when it comes to health products and items intended for children or babies, given the stakes of defect-related harm in vulnerable populations.
Brain Injuries After a Car Crash
Car accidents can result in various injuries, from broken bones to internal bleeding. Brain trauma is one of the most serious and potentially life-changing injuries that might occur. It is vital to comprehend the extent of such injuries, the possible immediate and long-term effects, and the legal implications of brain injuries resulting from car wrecks so that when they occur, they can be identified, treated and addressed in a broader sense.
Three Common Types of Birth Injuries
Depending on the circumstances, pregnancy and childbirth can be hazardous for both a mother and her unborn child. Women require frequent appointments during pregnancy to monitor the healthy development of the fetus and ensure medical stability throughout pregnancy.
Top Three Catastrophic Injuries Caused by Semi-Truck Wrecks
Observing a commercial semi-truck in traffic is enough to intimidate many people. Their size makes them capable of causing massive damage to smaller passenger vehicles, and they are quite loud as they rumble along. People tend to give them as much space as possible to avoid a crash.