Negligent Security
Corbin Attorneys Litigating Negligent Security Claims
Protecting Fellow Kentuckians From Those Failing To Maintain A Safe And Secure Venue Location
The owners of premises and businesses have the responsibility to provide a certain level of safety to the patrons, clients, and guests who frequent their establishments. Depending on the nature of the property or business, one of the ways that managers attempt to accomplish this is by employing security personnel. However, not all security officers, bodyguards, and bouncers are trained professionals. Oftentimes, the actions or incompetence of security employees result in injuries to innocent bystanders. If you’ve been injured directly or indirectly due to the actions of a business’s security personnel, you should contact Freeman Childers, Attorneys at Law immediately.
Attorneys Representing Injured Individuals In Kentucky
At the Corbin, KY personal injury firm of Freeman Childers, our attorneys represent individuals who have been injured by security employees or have been hurt as a result of incompetent actions on the part of security personnel. This includes:
Injuries due to improper escort techniques
Failure on the part of security to provide protection
Injuries caused by indirect involvement in a security altercation
Bouncer ejection related injuries
Crowd control failure
Allowing weapons onto the premises
Refusal to notify police
Failure to contact medical rescue in a timely manner
Injuries from impact weapons, electronic devices, and chemical sprays used or deployed by security guards
Guard dog bites
Gunshot wounds
Whether you were the target of a security action, you were injured while security guards were attempting to deal with a situation, or you were hurt because security failed to act, you should contact a Freeman Childerspersonal injury lawyer immediately.
Liability Of Shop Keepers And Other Premise Owners
The law requires businesses that maintain premises to ensure the safety of their patrons. However, managers often place profitability above safety and hire cut rate security personnel to create the illusion of protection for their customers. And when things go awry, people are often injured. If you have been injured while at a business or on the property of another, and you believe that your injury could have been prevented by increased or improved security, contact the Corbin, KY personal injury firm of Freeman Childers, Attorneys at Law.
Initial consultations are free.
Schedule an appointment in our Corbin office by calling 606-528-1000.